Home » Medieval History » The Delhi Sultanat » Question
  1. The city of Jaunpur was founded in the memory of
    1. Jalaludin Khilji
    2. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
    3. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
    4. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Correct Option: C

The city of Jaunpur was founded in the memory of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq. Jaunpur historically known as Sheeraz-e-Hind having its historical dates from 1359, when the city was founded by the Sultan of the Delhi Feroz Shah Tughlaq and named in memory of his cousin, Muhammad bin Tughlaq, whose given name was Jauna Khan. In 1388, Feroz Shah Tughlaq appointed Malik Sarwar,a eunuch, as the governor of the region.

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