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  1. Which of the toxic heavy metals is found in modern tannery industries ?
    1. Nickel
    2. Zinc
    3. Chromium
    4. Lead
Correct Option: C

Chromium is mainly found in waste from the chrome tanning process; it occurs as part of the retanning system and is displaced from leathers during retanning and dyeing processes. This chrome is discharged from processes in soluble form; however, when mixed with tannery waste waters from other processes (especially if proteins are present), the reaction is very rapid. Precipitates are formed, mainly protein-chrome, which add to sludge generation. If chrome discharges are excessive, the chromium might remain in the solution. Even in low concentrations, it has a toxic effect upon daphnia, thus disrupting the food chain for fish life and possibly inhibiting photosynthesis.

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