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  1. The first Sultan of Delhi, who attempted the conquest of South India was
    1. Qutb-ud-din Mubarak
    2. Nasir-ud-din Khusrav Shah
    3. Ala-ud-din Khilji
    4. Jala-ud-din Firoz
Correct Option: C

Ala-ud-din Khilji launched several expeditions against the Deccan states. His expeditions were carried out by his able commander Malik Kafur who first won Devagiri and Baglana, followed by Warangal, Dwar Samudra, Mabar and Madurai in the first two decades of the 14th century. But, within a decade after the death of Alaudin Khalji several south Indian rulers like Prolaya Vema Reddy of the Reddy dynasty, Musunuri Kaapaaneedu and Hakka and Bukka of the Vijayanagara Empire liberated whole south India from the Delhi Sultanate. Additionally the Bahmani Sultanate also gained its independence in the Deccan in the 14th century.

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