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  1. Who among the following Rajput kings defeated Muhammad Ghori for the first time ?
    1. Prithviraj III
    2. Baghel Bhim
    3. Jaichandra
    4. Kumar Pal
Correct Option: B

The battle of Kayadara, Gujarat (1178) was a defeat suffered by Muhammad of Ghor during his first campaign against a Indian ruler in India. Gujarat was ruled by the young Indian ruler Bhimdev Solanki II (ruled 1178–1241), although the age of the Raja meant that the army was commanded by his mother Naikidevi. Muhammad's army had suffered greatly during the march across the desert, and Naikidevi inflicted a major defeat on him at the village of Kayadara (near to Mount Abu, about forty miles to the north -east of Anhilwara).

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