Match the following :
A. Mohenjodaro 1. Statue of a priest B. Harappa 2. Port C. Kalibangan 3. Plough marks D. Lothal 4. The Great Bath
- A–4, B–1, C–3, D–2
- A–3, B–2, C–4, D–1
- A–2, B–3, C–1, D–4
- A–1, B–4, C–2, D–3
- None of these
- A–4, B–1, C–3, D–2
Correct Option: E
Statue of a Priest: also known as ‘Priest King’, it is the bust portrait of a bearded nobleman or high priest that was discovered at Mohenjodaro in Sindh, Pakistan; Port: Lothal in Gujarat was the port city of the Indus Valley Civilization; Plough marks: Kalibangan in Rajasthan has given the evidence of the earliest (2800 BC) ploughed agricultural field ever revealed through an excavation; The Great Bath: one of the best-known structures among the ruins of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization at Mohenjodaro.