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  1. What is the normal blood sugar level of a human being?
    1. Close to 10 mg/ml
    2. 120 – 150 mg/dl
    3. 80 – 90 mg/dl
    4. 150 – 200 mg/dl
Correct Option: B

The blood sugar concentration or blood glucose level is the amount of glucose (sugar) present in the blood of a human or animal. The body naturally tightly regulates blood glucose levels as a part of metabolic homeostasis. The mean normal blood glucose level in humans is about 4 mM (4 mmol/L or 72 mg/dL, i.e. milligrams/deciliter); however, this level fluctuates throughout the day. Glucose levels are usually lowest in the morning, before the first meal of the day (termed “the fasting level”), and rise after meals for an hour or two by a few millimolar. Normal Human Glucose Blood Test results should be 70 - 130 (mg/ dL) before meals, and less than 180 mg/dL after meals (as measured by a blood glucose monitor). So we find that before meals, the highest end is 130 and after meals it is 180. So 120-150 mg/dl can be taken to be the range.

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