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World geography miscellaneous

  1. Which one of the following parts of the world does not receive rainfall any time of the year?
    1. Central Europe
    2. Central North America
    3. Polar regions
    4. Sub-Saharan areas
Correct Option: C

The amount of precipitation in a given region depends on the amount of available atmospheric water vapour (precipitable water), as well as on the processes that cause condensation, in particular the uplift of air associated with cyclones and fronts, as well as convection. If all the water vapour in the atmosphere were condensed, the earth’s surface would be covered, on average, with a 25 mm layer of water. However, since the amount of water vapour the atmosphere can hold decreases with decreasing temperature, the amount of water that can be condensed from the air generally decreases with latitude. In general, the amount of precipitable water in the humid tropics is more than 40 mm, while near the pole; it is often less than 5 mm. The Polar Regions are the coldest places on Earth and differ the most from every other habitat on the planet. During the summer months, the days receive 24 hours of pure sunshine, but during the winter, the sun is barely seen at all. There is very little rainfall in the Polar Regions, mainly because it is so cold, that there is very little water in the air. The average annual rainfall is less than 250 mm.

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