Gandhiji believed that
- End justifies means
- Means justify end
- Neither end justifies means nor means justify end
- End and Means both should be justified
Correct Option: B
Gandhi’s view of the morally legitimate means to be exclusively employed in furthering political ends was deeply affected by the doctrine of dispassionate action in the Gita. Gandhi explicitly rejected the doctrine that the end justifies the means, and went so far as to assert that a moral means is almost an end in itself because virtue is its own reward. Gandhi firmly believed that the means always justify the end. So he chose only good means to drive away the British from India. He firmly believed that “impure” means result in an “impure” end, that we cannot attain to any truth through untruthful means that we cannot secure justice through unjust means, or freedom through tyrannical acts, or socialism through enmity and coercion, or enduring peace through war.