The two basic principles of the liberal theory of democracy as emphasised by John Locke, are
- Universal Adult Franchise and the Right to Property
- Representative Democracy andWorkers’ Rights
- Popular Sovereignty and constitutional government
- Women suffrage and popular sovereignty
Correct Option: A
John Locke's "Two Treatises on Government" of 1689 established two fundamental liberal ideas: economic liberty (meaning the right to have and use property) and intellectual liberty (including freedom of conscience). According to Locke, the individual was naturally free and only became a political subject out of free choice. Without the consent of the people there could not be formed a civil society/ community. Secondly, Locke emphasized that all men were equal. There was a perfect state of equality with all the power being reciprocal and no one having more than the other. This is a fundamental principle of present day democracy. From it, flows the democratic principle of universal participation. That no man shall be excluded from the political process.