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  1. The features that can’t be detected by checking idle are checked by ____________.
    1. Modernizr.testProp
    2. Modernizr.prefixedCSS
    3. Modernizr.testAllProps
    4. Modernizr.testStyles
    5. None of these
Correct Option: D

Modernizr.testProp is just like Modernizr.testAllProps but only difference is it doesn’t check for vendor. The features that can’t be check by IDL is checked by Modernizr.testStyles, it takes CSS rule and embed it onto current page with DOM elements. Syntax is

Modernizr.testStyles (rule,callback,[nodes],[testnames]).

We can add additional div elements also on the page as per requirement. Modernizr.prefixedCSS is same like Modernizr.prefixed except it returns result in hyphenated form.

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