Which of the following is the correct output for the program given below ?
#include <studio.h>
int main()
extern int fun (float);
int k;
k = fun (5.74);
printf ("%d\n", k);
return 0;
int fun (kk)
float kk;
return ((int) kk);
- 3
- 5.74
- 0
- Error
Correct Option: D
The error occurs because we have mixed the ANSI prototype with Kernighan & Ritchie style of function definition.
When we use ANSI prototype for a function and pass a float to the function it is promoted to a double.
When the function accepts this double into a float a type mismatch occurs hence the error. The remedy for this error could be to define the function as:
int fun ( float kk)
// code here