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  1. Which one of the following expenditure is not charged on the consolidated fund of India ?
    1. Salary and allowances of the President of India
    2. Salary and allowances of the Vice President of India
    3. Salary and allowances of the Justice of the Supreme Court of India
    4. Salary and allowances of the speaker of the Lok Sabhad
Correct Option: D

Salary and allowances of the speakers of the Lok Sabha is not charged on the consolidated fund of India. Consolidated fund or the consolidated revenue fund is the term used for the main bank account of the government in many of the countries in the Commonwealth of Nations. All tax revenue is paid into the fund unless Parliament has specifically provided otherwise by law. Any money received bu the government which is not taxation, and is not to be retained by the receiving department (for example, fines), is classed as a Consolidated Fund Extra Receipt (CFER). These are to be paid into the Consolidated Fund as soon as they are received.

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