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  1. CNG used in automobiles to check pollution, mainly consists of
    1. CH4
    2. CO2
    3. N2
    4. H2
Correct Option: A

Nature gas is 95 percent Methane (CH4) Plus four other hydrocarbons:
Ethane (C2 H6) - 2.5 %, Propane (C3 H8) - 0.2 %, Butane (C4 H10) - 0.06%, Pentanes Plus (C5 H12 + C10 H22) -0.02%. It also contains small amounts of: Nitrogen (N2) - 1.6%, Carbon Dixoide (CO2) - 0.7%, Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) - trace, Water (H2O) - trace

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