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Moving Charges and Magnetism

  1. A current carrying loop in the form of a right angle isosceles triangle ABC is placed in a uniform magnetic field acting along AB. If the magnetic force on the arm BC is F, what is the force on the arm AC?​​
    1. - √3F
    2. ​-F
    3. F
    4. 3F
Correct Option: B

Let a current i be flowing in the loop ABC in the direction shown in the figure. If the length of each of the sides AB and BC be x then ​
|F| = ixB

​where B is the magnitude of the magnetic force. ​The direction of F  will be in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the paper and going into it.
By Pythagorus theorem, ​AC = √x² + x² = √2x
​∴ Magnitude of force on AC
​= i √2 x B sin 45° ​ ​
= i√2xB × 1/√2
= ixb = ​|F|
The direction of the force on AC is perpendicular to the plane of the paper and going out of it. Hence, force on AC = - F

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