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Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic

Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous

  1. The cause of short column effect, during seismic occurrence, is due to
    1. Centralized rupture of the column
    2. Tearing of reinforcement bars
    3. Buckling of columns
    4. Stress concentration
Correct Option: C

Short columns are designed as structural members having a high stiffness with low ductility. During an earthquake, short columns, not adequately designed for such a large force, are often the first members to fail. The damage in these short columns is often in the form of Xshaped cracking – this type of damage of columns is due to buckling/shear failure. Short Column effect caused by partial infills in framed structures may be prevented by adopting adequate separation gaps. These members should be designed so that movement is allowed during an earthquake.

Short columns are stiffer and absorb larger forces during an earthquake

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