One Word Substitutes

Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentences.

  1. A cluster of flowers on a branch

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    inflorescence inflorescence (N.) : the flowering part of a plant/ arrangement of flowers on a stalk bouquet (N.) : a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony/presented as a gift wreath (N.) : an arrangement of flowers and leaves (in a circle) placed on graves, worn on head/ hung on doors as christmas decoration. incandescence (N.) : being very bright

    Correct Option: B

    inflorescence inflorescence (N.) : the flowering part of a plant/ arrangement of flowers on a stalk bouquet (N.) : a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony/presented as a gift wreath (N.) : an arrangement of flowers and leaves (in a circle) placed on graves, worn on head/ hung on doors as christmas decoration. incandescence (N.) : being very bright

  1. A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions

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    cynic cynic (N.) : someone who is critical of the motives of others
    agnostic (N.) : a person who doubts truth of religion sceptic (N.) : someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs misogynist (N.) : someone who dislikes women

    Correct Option: B

    cynic cynic (N.) : someone who is critical of the motives of others
    agnostic (N.) : a person who doubts truth of religion sceptic (N.) : someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs misogynist (N.) : someone who dislikes women

  1. A highly skilled musician

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    virtuoso virtuoso (N.) : someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; a musician who is a master of technique and artistry artiste (N.) : a public performer (dancer/ singer) diva (N.) : a distinguished female operatic singer

    Correct Option: B

    virtuoso virtuoso (N.) : someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; a musician who is a master of technique and artistry artiste (N.) : a public performer (dancer/ singer) diva (N.) : a distinguished female operatic singer

  1. A method of boiling briefly to cook food slightly

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    parboil parboil : cook briefly (vegetables) saute (V.) : fry briefly over high heat

    Correct Option: D

    parboil parboil : cook briefly (vegetables) saute (V.) : fry briefly over high heat

  1. The group, especeally in the arts, regarded as being the most experimental

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    avant - garde avant-garde (N.) : artists/ writers whose ideas are ahead of their time iconoclast (N.) : someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas/ institutions nerd (N.) : a student who studies excessively

    Correct Option: A

    avant - garde avant-garde (N.) : artists/ writers whose ideas are ahead of their time iconoclast (N.) : someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas/ institutions nerd (N.) : a student who studies excessively