
Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

  1. STALE

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    fresh (Adjective) : recently produced or picked
    stale (Adjective) : not fresh ; unfresh ; no longer fresh ; unpleasant to eat
    old (Adjective) : very primitive; not new
    steal (Verb) : to rob; to move secretly and quietly
    stalk (Verb) : to move slowly and quietly

    Correct Option: A

    fresh (Adjective) : recently produced or picked
    stale (Adjective) : not fresh ; unfresh ; no longer fresh ; unpleasant to eat
    old (Adjective) : very primitive; not new
    steal (Verb) : to rob; to move secretly and quietly
    stalk (Verb) : to move slowly and quietly


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    plenty (Noun) : a lot ; a large amount
    scarcity (Adjective) : shortage; not enough of what is needed and difficult to obtain
    scanty (Noun) : too little in amount for what is needed
    prosperity (Noun) : affluent ; wealth
    majority (Noun) : the largest part of a group of people or things

    Correct Option: D

    plenty (Noun) : a lot ; a large amount
    scarcity (Adjective) : shortage; not enough of what is needed and difficult to obtain
    scanty (Noun) : too little in amount for what is needed
    prosperity (Noun) : affluent ; wealth
    majority (Noun) : the largest part of a group of people or things


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    amateur (Noun) : a person who does something for enjoyment, not as a job
    professional (Noun) : a person who does a job that needs special skill/training and a high level of education ; a competent person tradesman (Noun) : a person who sells goods ; shopkeeper labour or
    labourers (Noun) : the people who work for a country/ company/factory, etc.
    customer (Noun) : a person/an organisation that buys something from a shop/store/business

    Correct Option: A

    amateur (Noun) : a person who does something for enjoyment, not as a job
    professional (Noun) : a person who does a job that needs special skill/training and a high level of education ; a competent person tradesman (Noun) : a person who sells goods ; shopkeeper labour or
    labourers (Noun) : the people who work for a country/ company/factory, etc.
    customer (Noun) : a person/an organisation that buys something from a shop/store/business


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    plentiful (Adjective) : available in large numbers/ amounts, abundant
    meagre (Adjective) : small in quantity and poor in quality ; paltry
    numerous (Adjective) : many ; existing in large numbers
    large (Adjective) : big in size/ quantity
    enormous (Adjective) : extremely large ; huge ; immense

    Correct Option: C

    plentiful (Adjective) : available in large numbers/ amounts, abundant
    meagre (Adjective) : small in quantity and poor in quality ; paltry
    numerous (Adjective) : many ; existing in large numbers
    large (Adjective) : big in size/ quantity
    enormous (Adjective) : extremely large ; huge ; immense

Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


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    soothe (Verb) : calm ; to make somebody who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer
    provoke (Verb) : to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect ; to say/do something that you know will annoy somebody so that it may react in an angry way ; goad
    incite (Verb) : to encourage to do something violent
    smoother (Verb) : to make smooth or smoother ; become smooth
    entice (Verb) : to persuade

    Correct Option: A

    soothe (Verb) : calm ; to make somebody who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer
    provoke (Verb) : to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect ; to say/do something that you know will annoy somebody so that it may react in an angry way ; goad
    incite (Verb) : to encourage to do something violent
    smoother (Verb) : to make smooth or smoother ; become smooth
    entice (Verb) : to persuade